Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mary Beth King Senior Photo 1978

Mary Beth King Senior Photo 1978. She was so photogenic, protypically Irish looks, red hair, freckles and vibrant blue eyes that danced. Her photo was on display by Pittsburgh National Bank on Market Street in Blairsville PA 15717 for months. She was always a bit embarrassed by her size and never wanted her photograph to be taken but she was immensely popular because of her always upbeat nature. And that was true right to the end. She had an immense love of God and all things He created. She was one of the gentlest spirits I have ever known and I know God is having a good time right now holding her on His lap as she tells Him about her travels and trials and tribulations. Oh, and about her boys. She didn't brag about much, but she was very much in love with Wayne and so proud of Lijiah and Sam who loved her dearly too.


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